The following story is from DROOL magazine.  I cannot not remember having any dogs or cats interact or accept one another as Casper the Samoyed, and Romeo, his feline brother.  According to the owners, Rensa Li and Wei Chang Phee, they are like human siblings in nearly every way. Their relationship began with Casper following Romeo at a respectful distance.  By the third week of their getting comfortable, they really bonded.  Now they are inseparable.  Lei and her husband Wei Chang noticed that the two pets began to mimic each other’s habits, like grooming at the same time, sharing mealtimes, and when Casper was summoned, Romeo would come as well.  Romeo even learned how to shake hands. Because they hated to be separated the couple decided to leash- train Romeo, realizing quickly that Romeo would take his cues from Casper and only wanted to follow and be near him.  They do have their moments of jealousy like most fawned-over pets.  Nothing makes them happier or act more protectively then “exploring the New Zealand Remarkables or port Hills.”  Casper and Romeo are on social media and have received messages from around the world.  Phee says, “If we can just make people smile, even for a couple of seconds, it brings happiness to (our lives).” 

Our customers are letting us know that ticks are out in force right now.  After November, I don’t think I ever put on a heavy winter coat or wore gloves or boots.  Just yesterday I looked at our store supply of pet friendly salt that was never used on our parking lot.  Since we did not experience a winter deep frost the abundance of insects did not decrease.  This will not be a good season for our pets. I brought home a bottle of natural yard spray which I plan to attach to my hose and spray all over the back yard where my dogs and cats enjoy the sun and fresh air.  I have also been treating them since March with flea and tick preventative, and I have been giving my two dogs their heartworm preventative.  And the dogs will be groomed again in a few weeks, cut shorter, so that it will be easier to detect these annoying and disease-carrying pests.  We have not located a groomer for our shop.  If you know anyone who might like to apply, please send him/her over.

Last week’s article was about the medicinal properties of goat’s milk for pets.  Goat’s milk is a natural probiotic which helps with digestion, lessens mucous and inflammation, and is an immune booster.  One of our customers told me several months ago that for three years, and much expense, her dog was being treated for an autoimmune dermatological medical issue, much like a yeast infection, that was resisting any treatments.  She started to use Primal Goat Milk, which “was a Godsend” and her dog is on the mend.

On a different issue, a customer reported to me that her dog had to have its anal glands expressed once a month and the dog also had swollen lymph nodes.  I have written about the importance of dental health for dogs and cats.  Untreated problems can negatively affect other internal areas of your pet’s body.  After this customer’s dog had its teeth cleaned and two infected teeth removed, all the dog’s medical issues were resolved, including heart problems, and he was taken off the numerous meds he had been taking.

Thank you for helping to keep a small business in business.

Our Senior/Veterans Discount will start on Tuesdays, beginning May 2.  No more on Sundays.


Submissive urination :updated:
