Springtime makes our flowers bloom and our grass grow.  Are you dreading the brown patches caused by animal urine?  According to The National Association of Landscape Professionals, there are ways to see if indeed your pets may be to blame or if your lawn is suffering from something else.  If the brown spots are surrounded by healthy green grass and the roots of the damaged area are still firm, then it may be caused by your pet. If the brown grass pulls up easily then you may be dealing with a lawn disease.

A dog’s urine may injure your lawn because of the high levels of nitrogen it contains.  The presence of salts in the urine contributes as well.  All dog urine will be harmful to grass although some factors do affect to what extent.  Female dogs and male dogs that squat when they urinate will have a significantly adverse effect with a greater concentration of urine.  Male dogs that lift their legs usually do so on trees and bushes, and other objects that are aim level.  (My male cat, Mystery, will back up to bushes, the AC unit, a trash can in the yard, then raise his tail and pee.)  It is possible to train puppies to pee in a protected or obscure area of the yard, and also to retrain dogs that have peed at liberty, but it takes time and patience.  A landscape company may be able to help you design attractive suitable areas.  We sell a NuturVet product (as many other places do) called Potty Here, but our price is better, and you get credit towards a free NuturVet product after 5 combined purchases of any of the many products we sell in their diverse line. And it is 100% money-back guaranteed and made in the USA.

Some pet parents have resorted to using enzymes to balance the pH in the urine, but Dr. Virginia Sinnott of Angell Animal Medical Center, according to the article I used in this research, warns owners to be careful in using such supplements.  She also warns that the use of dl-Methionine to acidify the urine can be dangerous to pets with liver and kidney disease.  Two issues ago, I did an article on bladder and kidney stones (check our face book page) and if your dog ever had one of these, be careful of using products designed to make your grass greener.  Dog rocks are “naturally occurring paramagnetic igneous rocks” which can be placed in the pet’s water bowl to filter out “impurities such as tin, ammonia and nitrate that can cause brown grass spots.”  If you accompany your dog when it urinates, carry a watering can and dilute the tainted area. That may be too challenging with multiple dogs. Planting urine resistant grass such as tall fescue can be a possible alternative.

We also sell NaturVet GrassSaver gypsum soil conditioner.  Gypsum-containing products neutralize the salts deposited by the dog’s urine, as well as their GrassSaver wafers, soft chews, and chewable tabs that taste like a treat. All products are guaranteed to turn your grass green and again we sell them for less and you get your 6th purchase free from any assortment from their line of exceptionally made, in the USA 100% money-back guaranteed products.  Their GrassSaver products do contain dl-Methionine.  Check with your vet if your dog is on a prescription diet or, as mentioned above, has had kidney or liver disease.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Saturday, June 24th at the Meraki Farm on Route 83 in CMCH, there will be an event for PITBULL RESCUE TLC.  More details will be provided in upcoming articles and on our website and Facebook page.

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